Friday 6 May 2011

Pherolins Intense Edition

Apa itu Pherolins?

Pherolins ialah wangian yang disebatikan bersama pheromone & copulin dengan tahap campuran yang paling sesuai untuk membantu anda memanupilasi pheromone & copulins di dalam Pherolins tersebut pada tahap optimum.

Pherolins mewarnakan kehidupan anda dengan menaikkan tahap keyakinan diri anda, menampilkan diri anda di tempat kerja atau untuk mendapatkan lebih perhatian tetapi yang lebih hebat lagi, ia membantu anda menarik perhatian lelaki. Lelaki akan lebih mudah mesra dan selesa bila bersama anda. Untuk pasangan suami-isteri, sudah tentu Pherolins akan membantu mengeratkan lagi perhubungan & keintiman anda berdua. Suasana akan lebih tenang & ceria apabila anda berada di dalam lingkungan aura wangian Pherolins.

Sesuai utk semua golongan wanita.

  • Pherolin membolehkan anda kelihatan seksi dan menawan.
  • Lelaki akan cuba menggoda anda tanpa anda sedari.
  • Lebih mata memandang kearah anda tanpa paksaan
  • Dengan kuasa memikat ini, anda pasti akan dapat lebih perhatian.
  • Anda akan dapat lebih senyuman dari lelaki.
  • Anda dapati hubungan menjadi lebih baik secara spontan.
  • Hari yang anda lalui, pasti akan lebih menyeronokkan!
  • Bau sahaja buatkan hati tertanya-tanya,bau apakah ini?..hmm..
Pherolins adalah salah satu cara yang berkesan untuk menarik perhatian lelaki. Ianya meningkatkan daya tarikan anda pada lelaki. Anda akan bertemu lebih ramai lelaki dan mereka akan lebih segera perasan pada anda tatkala anda berada dekat pada mereka.
Pherolins mengandungi kandungan wangian, termasuk copulins & pheromones, di mana kedua-duanya telah terbukti meningkatkan daya tarikan wanita pada lelaki.

Bagaimana Pheromones Memikat Perhatian Lelaki?

Pheromones bukan lagi satu rahsia, ianya memikat lelaki secara alami apabila dirembeskan oleh berbagai bahagian tubuh anda melalui peluh. Bezanya di sini, Pherolins menggunakan pheromones yang disintesis secara klinikal dengan menggunakan pheromones manusia sebagai asas. Hasilnya, pheromones sintetik manusia yang dipertingkatkan untuk kesan optimum.

Bagaimana Copulins Bertindak?

Cecair seperti hormon ini dirembeskan oleh bahagian vagina wanita ketika ianya mengesan kehadiran air mani atau terangsang. Fungsinya ialah untuk menarik perhatian dan lebih hebat lagi ianya boleh mengawal pusat otak lelaki membuatkan lelaki lebih tertarik, memberikan lebih perhatian dan membuatkannya mengikuti kata. Pherolins menggunakan copulins yang disintesis secara klinikal dengan menggunakan copulins manusia sebagai asas. Hasilnya, copulins sintetik manusia yang dipertingkatkan untuk kesan optimum.

PHEROLINS mempunyai tambahan ramuan khas utk merangsang lelaki iaitu COPULINS.

Tahukan Anda?

Mungkin ada persamaan antara copulins yang terkandung didalam Pherolins ni dengan satu ritual masyarakat melayu yang di panggil 'nasi kangkang'. Di dalam sedar atau tidak, copulins asli dari manusia akan dihasilkan/dirembes oleh vagina wanita apabila ada rangsangan atau 'gangguan' padanya. Copulins yang dihasilkan akan dikesan oleh deria manusia khususnya lelaki. Ia berupaya untuk memanupilasi keupayaan lelaki untuk membezakan daya tarikan pada wanita dari rupa paras, bentuk badan dan suaranya. Copulins juga berupaya mengawal satu pusat di otak lelaki dan membuatkannya mengikut dan tunduk kepada wanita tersebut.

Ritual Nasi Kangkang - tak perlu saya jelaskan di sini bagaimana caranya , mungkin anda semua pun tahu. Prosesnya sama iaitu bahan yang jatuh ke dalam makanan bersama wap panas itu ialah copulins, bezanya ianya akan diberi makan pada si suami untuk menundukkannya. Perbuatan yang berdosa dan tak sepatut dilakukan. Manakala copulins di dalam Pherolins pula di perbuat secara saintifik dengan meniru komposisi asal copulins manusia dan tujuannya ialah untuk meningkat aura sepemakai pada pandangan mata lelaki. Begitulah hebatnya penangan COPULINS.

Makanya, gunakanlah ia dengan sebijak-bijaknya!

Kajian Saintifik Mengenai Copulins.

Kajian sejak pertengahan ke akhir 90-an telah membuktikan bahawa Copulins dapat mempengaruhi dan juga mengawal otak seseorang lelaki. Ianya telah lama diketahui bahawa "pheromones" wanita dapat mempengaruhi / mengawal perilaku tertentu seseorang lelaki.

Pheromones akan mempengaruhi, bagaimana seorang lelaki bertindak secara seksual terhadap wanita, tetapi Copulins akan mempengaruhi lelaki secara dominan/penurut perilaku. Setiap Copulins wanita akan mempengaruhi perilaku setiap lelaki secara berbeza dan pada peringkat yang berbeza.

Seorang wanita yang memiliki efek Copulins yang kuat pada lelaki tertentu akan perasan/tahu yang lelaki tersebut ingin memuaskan hati si dia, menawarkan hadiah, dan melakukan apa saja yang si dia mahukan. Ini merupakan refleks tanpa sedar dan si wanita mungkin melihat tiada batasan untuk apa yang akan dilakukan oleh lelaki baginya.

Masyarakat umum.

Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mendedahkan kepada masyarakat sesuatu yang telah disimpan sekian lama atas satu alasan yang tidak dijelaskan sebabnya. Ianya perlu didedahkan kepada umum kerana para pengkaji merasakan yang setiap lelaki & wanita memiliki hak untuk tahu mengenainya.

Apa ertinya kepada para pengkaji?

Sebagian besar pasangan yang telah cukup lama hidup bersama tahu bahawa wanita memiliki kemampuan untuk "mengawal" perilaku lelaki. Seringkali lelaki menjadi signifikan tunduk kepada wanita, tapi pada waktu lain pula lelaki akan menjadi sangat dominan. Apakah yang dilakukan oleh seorang wanita sehingga menyebabkan si lelaki menjadi sangat setia? Tiada penjelasan saintifik untuk itu sehinggalah penemuan Copulins. Ketika Copulins 'dihantar' dari wanita ke lelaki, terjadi perubahan yang dramatik: otak lelaki terbuka sepenuhnya menerima rembesan kimia yang dihantar tersebut. Apa saja yang dikatakan seorang wanita kepada pasangannya, akan terus masuk ke dalam fikirannya. Panggillah ianya "marital mind-control, brainwashing", atau apa saja, namun Copulins telah dibuktikan untuk meningkatkan hubungan secara dramatik. Copulins adalah cara semulajadi untuk mencipta sebuah ikatan (chemical bond) antara lelaki dan wanita. Dan Alam Semulajadi adalah cara untuk mencipta sebuah ikatan fizikal yang lebih kuat antara lelaki dan wanita.

Bagaimana untuk membuat pasangan anda bahagia dengan Pherolins Copulins?

Satu-satunya perkara yang paling penting adalah peranan Copulins untuk membuat pasangan anda merasa bahagia. Para pengkaji percayakannya, ini adalah kerana Alam Semulajadi memudahkannya. Kesimpulannya:-

* Ada alasan mengapa wujudnya Copulins.
* Ada alasan mengapa Copulins membuat si lelaki merasa senang hati.
* Ada alasan mengapa Copulins mempengaruhi memori lelaki semasa bersama.
* Ada alasan mengapa Copulins membuat lelaki merasa ghairah.
* Ada alasan mengapa Copulins membantu lelaki melihat wanita sebagai temannya yang istimewa.

Alasan untuk semua hal-hal ini, adalah untuk menjadikan sesuatu hubungan itu sebaik mungkin. Jika ia membuatkan anda bahagia, dan si dia bahagia, maka lakukannya.

Kita tidak harus selalu mengerti mengapa sesuatu perkara bekerja dengan caranya yang tersendiri. Tetapi ia akan membuat kita merasa lebih baik apabila kita memahaminya. Itulah tujuan mengapa para pengkaji berkongsi hasil penemuan mereka, kerana berharap ia akan membantu sesebuah pasangan itu untuk menyemarakkan lagi hubungan mereka.

Gunakan Pherolins Copulins dengan kasih sayang, dan kasih sayang akan meningkat antara anda dan pasangan anda.

* Bila anda gunakan Pherolins Copulins secara kerap, pasangan anda akan senang hati.
* Bila anda gunakan suara anda untuk membuat dia merasa senang, dia akan senang hati.
* Bila anda cuba untuk menghilangkan kekurangan dalam hubungan anda, dia akan senang hati.
* Bila anda memberikan dia keinginan untuk memuaskan hati anda, dan memberikan dia kesempatan untuk menarik hati anda, dia akan dengan senang hati.

Keajaiban Pherolins Copulins adalah ketika anda menggunakan kemampuannya sepenuhnya, untuk membuat diri anda bahagia, secara tidak langsung ia akan membantu pasangan anda menjadi bahagia. Ini, merupakan 'hadiah' teristimewa yang telah diberikan oleh Alam Semulajadi kepada kita.

Soalan-Soalan Yang Sering Di Tanya.
(Update dari masa ke semasa)

S.Bagaimanakah cara menggunakannya?
J.Cara menggunakannya sama seperti minyak wangi yang lain. Sapu pada pergelangan tangan, leher dan pakaian jika perlu. Sesuai di gunakan untuk semua acara.
( Sangat sesuai di gunakan untuk mereka yang sudah berumahtangga. )

S. Adakah Pherolins berbeza dengan pewangi yang lain?
J. Ia..Pherolins mmg berbeza dengan produk-produk pewangi yang lain. Kelebihannya ia mengandungi human pheromone dan juga copulins sintetik yang mana kedua-dua bahan tersebut berkuasa secara saintifik memikat pasangan berlainan jantina.

S.Untuk tujuan apakah Pherolins ini di gunakan?
J. Produk Pherolins di gunakan untuk meningkatkan aura kewanitaan anda secara mendadak ini kerana pheromone ini akan menyebabkan minda bawah sedar pemakai tahu bahawa hormon kewanitaannya berada ditahap maksima. Orang sekeliling akan bertanya bau apa yang wangi ini, sedangkan anda hanya memakai Pherolins. Orang yang berada pada jarak 1 hingga 5 kaki akan lebih mesra setelah mengenali anda dalam 2-5 minit pertama??? Ini kerana Androstenone mengubah minda bawah sedar orang yang berada disekeliling menjadi lebih peramah dan terbuka. So kepada anda yang mengunakan Pherolins dan tidak memahami kegunaannya, mungkin akan keliru. Pherolins hanya di gunakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan diri anda, kehadiran anda akan di rasai. (Tidak Lebih Dari Itu)

English Version :

How to Attract Men, Find Romance and Ignite Your Love Life:
Pheromones for Women
It has been scientifically proven that women who produce higher than average amounts of copulins (female pheromones) have greater success with men. These are women that men are unable to resist because they're exciting, seductive, desirable -- and they have that alluring quality that men fall in love with. Oftentimes, these women are not more beautiful, sexier or more charming than most other women. They just have the edge because they produce more copulins than the average woman.

Copulins are compounds scientists have identified as female pheromones. These are volatile fatty acids that women produce in their vaginal secretions.

According to Vienna University biologists, Karl Grammer and Astrid Jtte, copulins block a mans ability to judge a womans attractiveness by the way she looks and the sound of her voice.

These chemicals act as a love potion, attracting the man to a woman -- even if the man might not have otherwise been interested in the woman on the basis of her looks or the sound of her voice.

Grammer and Jtte conducted a study, wherein they exposed 66 men (unknowingly) to copulins. They then showed them pictures of women and asked them to rate the attractiveness of each woman. They rated all the women as being significantly more attractive to them than when they were when exposed to ordinary water (i.e., no copulins). The interesting thing was that the less attractive the woman was rated prior to the men's exposure to copulin, the bigger the rise in their perceived attractiveness after exposure. Curiously enough, when copulins were introduced, plainer-looking women scored higher marks than attractive women! The smell of copulins seems to make physical attractiveness less important for men.

When optimized, copulins have demonstrated to bring about a rapid increase in biochemicals which are partially responsible for the sex drive in men, thereby causing a man to have a heightened desire to copulate. They also release neurotransmitters that directly modify men's behavior, such as triggering sexual excitement.

Want to get that edge? Our pheromones for women can give you the unfair advantage that Mother Nature never gave you. Our optimized blends of biologically active copulin products can dramatically increase the romance in your life, make men crazy about you, and ignite your love life.

Are Pheromones a Secret Weapon For Dating?
'20/20' Puts Love Potions To the Test
Odorless pheromones are secreted by many animals to attract mates. But they're also synthesized and marketed to consumers as potions to increase sexual attractiveness.
They've been sold for years, but new studies and claims are making these items hotter than ever. Paris Hilton knows. She added them to her latest perfume. But the debate remains: Do pheromones really work or is this just all hype?
"I think our product is the only product that has any proof behind its claims," said biologist Winifred Cutler, a leading pheromone champion and owner of the Athena Institute, which manufactures and sells pheromone products.
Cutler said she had proof they worked for 75 percent of customers who had tried her products, which sell for about $100 for 1/6 of an ounce.
"Our pheromones are sexual attractants. They do make the wearers more sexually attractive," she said.
Some scientists remain skeptical about the existence of human pheromones. "Maybe just the idea of knowing that you're wearing the stuff will help," said Dr. Stuart Firestein, a biologist at Columbia University who studies the science of smell. "There's certainly always going to be a very strong placebo effect in these sorts of things."
Firestein said even if synthesized pheromones worked, they were not likely to be the only source of an attraction.
"We use all sorts of cues. A pheromone alone is unlikely to do it. It's part of a whole package," Firestein said.
Is the Proof in the Pheromones?
To test whether these potions helped people find romance, "20/20" sent sets of 20-something male and female twins to a speed-dating event and gave them each a scent -- one twin in each set received a scent containing Cutler's pheromones. No one knew who had what.
The female twins, Bridget and Sarah, were introduced to us through They said they would be convinced the pheromones worked if one of them was approached by more men at the speed-dating event.
They went on 10 dates each lasting five minutes. The daters then filled out forms stating which of the people they would like to see again.
At the end of the night we tallied the results: Nine men wanted to see Sarah again and five men wanted to see Bridget again. As for the guys, 10 women were interested in Dave and only six women were interested in Paul.
Sarah and Dave were wearing the pheromones.
Can Pheromones Give a 40-Something A Boost?
It might seem that singles in their 20s wouldn't even need the pheromones, so "20/20" wondered how these perfume additives would help an older woman.
"Women in their 40s are not excreting the same level of pheromones they might have been when they were in their 20s or their 30s," Cutler said. "Adding the pheromone to their perfume can be just the kick that restores some of what they thought they had lost."
To see whether it would work for them, "20/20" asked Kathleen and Lisa Ann, both in their 40s and single, to wear pheromones every day for three months and to keep a video diary of their experience.
Lisa Ann said that while she did "get attention," she was not in a committed relationship. Kathleen said she never had trouble meeting men but was starting to long for a partner.
"I'm one of eight kids and when I go home to my family for Christmas, everyone's married with kids except me," she said. "I just would love to have a boyfriend for Christmas this year."
In one report, Kathleen said she was getting more attention on the street, while Lisa Ann was initially more skeptical, finding only subtle changes. After one month, the two compared notes -- Kathleen's dates were up to three or four a week, while Lisa Ann said her social life could still use some improvement.
We promised to check back with Lisa Ann and Kathleen in another month.
In the meantime, we learned about another pheromone product. This one was more about sales than sex. The product -- called Pheradore -- was invented by dermotologist, Dr. Peter Pugliese, a former colleague of Cutler's. Pugliese told us, "the women and men who use it felt more confident." And that confidence, he says, can translate to higher sales if you're involved in retail.
We recruited three saleswomen to put Pheradore to the test. Liya and Monica work at Andrew's Ties shop in New York and Marina works at the flagship store of Hammacher Schlemmer. All agreed to wear Pheradore for one week to see if their sales would increase.
The results? After one week, both Liya and Monica said they did indeed feel more confident wearing pheromones, but ultimately did not sell more ties. As for Monica? She didn't sell more either!
So at least in these non-scientific studies, pheromones did not help to increase sales, but they just might increase sex appeal.
And how did Kathleen and Lisa Ann end up? Kathleen is still without a Christmas date but remains convinced the pheromones are working. Lisa Ann became a convert. On a cold December night, she and her date were seen keeping each other warm. And she already knows what she wants for Christmas: a new supply of pheromones!

Pherolins For Her, .17oz Concentrated Parfum Roulette for women with Synthesized/Optimized Human Pheromones & Copulins
Formulated In U.S.A.

1. Media Reports

"Pheromones: Potential mates in your sex life" (CNN, June 25, 1999)...If you're looking for the man or woman of your dreams, unsuspecting pheromones in your body scent are most likely playing a large and very clever role in mate attraction... 74% of the people who tested a pheromone, experienced an increase in hugging, kissing and sexual intercourse.

"Sexual Magnetism" (Urban Magazine, Winter 2001)...What really drives women wild are naturally occurring body chemicals called pheromones. ...Users of pheromone products report that people generally pay more attention to them, listen more when they speak, and are friendlier in social situations.

WSVN TV in Miami on March 3, 1998
We've got a potion for passion...a secret weapon to attract the opposite sex ...undetectable chemicals, pheromones.

2. Experiments

The study -- conducted for 14 weeks in 2000 -- recruited 36 women between the ages of 19 and 48 years old through on-campus psychology and human sexuality classes. The criteria called for women who were heterosexual, regularly menstruating, neither married to nor living with a man, not currently using an oral contraceptive and in good health.
In the study, 36 women wore their own, regular perfume with the pheromones. Of the 36 women tested, 74% saw an overall increase in three or more of the following sociosexual behaviors: frequency of kissing, heavy petting and affection, sexual intercourse, sleeping next to their partner, and formal dates with men.

"This is a biological signal to a man that suggests that this woman can reproduce and he responds with romantic behavior related to securing intimate relations with her," said research author Norma McCoy, a psychology professor at SFSU. "This is not a smell one can detect. Neither the man not the woman is aware of it, but it's very powerful. This chemical appears to influence a man's desire to have sexual intercourse."
* Source: "That old pheromone magic" (The Examiner, March 20, 2002)

This study tested whether synthesized human male pheromones increase the sociosexual behavior of men. Thirty-eight heterosexual men, ages 26-42, completed a 2-week baseline period and 6-week placebocontrolled, double-blind trial testing a pheromone "designed to improve the romance in their lives." Each subject kept daily behavioral records for 6 sociosexual behaviors: petting/affection/kissing, formal dates, informal dates, sleeping next to a romantic partner, sexual intercourse, and self-stimulation to ejaculation and FAXed them each week. Significantly pheromone users increased above baseline in sexual intercourse and sleeping with a romantic partner. There was a tendency for pheromone users to increase above baseline in petting/affection/kissing, and informal dates, but not in self-stimulation to ejaculation or in formal dates. A significantly larger proportion of pheromone users than placebo significantly increased in sociosexual behaviors involving a female partner.
Thus, there was a significant increase in male sociosexual behaviors in which a woman's sexual interest and cooperation plays a role. These initial data show that human male pheromones affected the sexual attractiveness of men to women.
* Source: "Pheromonal influences on sociosexual behavior in men" (Arch Sex Behav, 27(1):1-13 1998 Feb)

FAQs about Pheromone

What is pheromone?
Pheromone is an odorless chemical signal that all human beings and animals produces and release into the air. And it affect the behavior of others within the same species. Pheromone makes a signal to the opposite sex that trigger a subconscious response of attraction and induce natural romantic cravings in both men and women. In nature, it is common to see that many animals attract their sexual mates primarily with the release and use of natural pheromones.

How do pheromones work?
Human behavior is infinitely more complicated than other animals or species. However, certain biological urges remain the same. All living beings have the need to procreate and therefore need to mate. The secretion of pheromones is nature's way of attracting the opposite sex to one another. Men and women have always known that sexual attraction was partially related to their sense of smell. And even though pheromones are odorless, they are perceived through the vomeronasal organ(VNO) in the back of the nose, which then sends this information to the brain, which in turn, controls our sexual responses. In essence, the secretion of pheromones is nature's way that someone is attracted to one another. Therefore, it is only logical that the more pheromones you secrete the more desirable you become.

How are pheromones detected?
Pheromone signals are detected through an organ inside the nose called the Vomeronasal Organ(VNO). When the VNO detects pheromones, it sends a sexual response signal to the brain. And so, it makes the feeling of attraction and romantic impression.

What are the benefits of using your Pherolins For Her perfumes?
-. More attention and affection from the opposite sex.
-. You will be more attractive and sexy.
-. You can increase your self-confidence.
-. Better business and relationships.

Everyday low prices! No Imitations or Knockoffs!
100% Customer Satisfaction guaranteed!

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